"My greatest source of courage, whenever things have looked dark; has come from believing in the wisdom of this philosophy: Not - Will the other person believe it. The real test is, do you believe it.?"
Frank Bettger
"The wisest and best salesman is always the one who blunty tells the truth about his article. He looks his prospective customer in the eye and tells his story. That is always impressive. And if he does not sell the first time, he leaves a trail of trust behind. A customer, as a rule, cannot be fooled a second time by some shady or clever talk that does not square with the truth. Not the best talker wins the sale - but the most honest talker... there is something in the look of the eye, the arrangement of words, the spirit of a salesman that inmmediately compels trust or distrust... being bluntly honest is always safe and best."
George Mattew Adams
"In all my relations with clients, I agree to observe the following rule of professional conduct: I shall, in the light of all the circumstanes surrounding my client, which I shall make every effort to ascertain and understand, give him that service which, had I been in the same circumstances, I would have applied to myself."
Frank Bettger
"To win and hold the confidence of others, Rule One is: Deserve Confidence."
Frank Bettger
"If you hear a voice within you say "you cannot paint" then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced."
Vincent Van Gogh
"Don't live down the expectections. Go out there and do something remarkable."
Wendy Wasserstein
"Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong."
Peter T. Mcintyre
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